Well - Yesterday was a beautiful day for Graduation. It wasn't to hot and the sun was shining :) Now if only the ceremonies could be shorter! There were 93 grads, so 2.5 hours later we were done. I managed to take a few photos in between, will have to wait for my sister-in-law to email me a few more, but here's a sampling of our day:
Waiting for diplomas:
Looking spiffy :)
Logan and Luke:

All of us:

Logan with some of his friends, yes one of them is wearing a kilt, no he's not Scottish.

There must be quite a few boys missing, but here's the majority of them.
We are very happy the last child is done! :) Well - high school that is. Logan is looking for a job as a Diesel Mechanic Apprentice. He took Diesel Mechanic's as a Vocational course, so he has a good start. Here's hoping/praying that he finds a job soon.