Please check out these give aways!

Another busy week!! I can hardly wait for summer holidays to be over, school to begin and life to get back to a "normal" routine. Where did the "holiday" part of summer holidays go?
~On Monday Luke and I made 17 quart jars of Relish. I made 17 jars the week before, but gave 5 to a friend. Might make one more batch of relish yet, will have to see how energetic I get next week.

~If you need a good laugh - You really need to read this post on Eluna Jewelry .
~Here is a wonderful blog!! Kathy has lots give aways, a give away linky, and will help with organizing the buttons on your blogs. (she organized the ones at the bottom of my give away blog). She also posts tools and tips for bloggers. I go here often!!

~I have a poll on my Give Away Blog. Just wondering if entering give aways is easier with an Entry Form? What do I do if the vote it tied? Where can I find an easy to use entry form?
~This has to be one of the wettest summers I can remember. Every time I mow the lawn there are more and more mushrooms in my grass!!

~While blog hopping yesterday I can across a blog I'd been to before. Quilts Galore and More is a great blog. There is a link to Debbie's shop and all kinds of cool stuff. She has posted a link to a tutorial on making "Friendship Bags" - they are the cutest thing! The tutorial can be found at P.S. I Quilt - another awesome blog with lots of tutorials and wonderful links!!
Check out the "Friendship Bags", they would make a great swap!!
~Finally found a field of Sunflowers! Brad stood on the toolbox on the back of the truck to get this picture. They are really slow in blooming this year and there just aren't a lot of fields around.

~I found this great blog: Ceramic and Sculpture Artwork by Kathleen McGiveron. Kathleen had 100 postcards made and is offering to send one close to the holidays to whomever emails her with an address. This is a wonderful idea!! Does anyone know where I can get 100 postcards printed? Anyone else want to join in the fun?
~I'm hoping that Brad has time to help me today with tomorrows post. He found the cutest church in the middle of no where, took me there so I could take pictures. But Brad actually got to talk to the people who take care of it, so he has more info on the church than I do. Please come back tomorrow - hopefully it's posted!
I think the Holiday part of Summer Holiday is only for the kids...Adults get all the rest..Like the work...I too am looking forward to things going back to normal..just need to remember what normal is...Your pics are great..
ReplyDeleteOh I love to see when people actually can!!! I am so proud of you!
ReplyDeleteI'm finding lots of mosquitoes in my back yard. :::sigh::: The sunflowers are beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI just got back from my Dad's house in Kentucky, and I found some humongous mushrooms in his yard, too.
That relish is gorgeous! I've got some wild grapes in the refrigerator, waiting to be made into jelly. You've inspired me.
ReplyDeletewow...beautiful relish and field. I always love big fields of sunflowers. The Ford headquarters in MI has a field of them in a couple locations.
ReplyDeleteOoh those sunflowers are gorgeous! My aunt who is a fanatic for them would be in heaven! Yup, wet summer here too. And weird temps too. We had a couple weeks of blazing heat & humidity (upper 90's) & then today it was 59. So strange.