Monday, August 30, 2010
What do you do?
This is how I feel about blogging lately. Seem to be in a slump. What do you do when this happens to you? Does it happen?
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Meet Me on Monday
Java over at Never Growing Old started this great "meet me monday" meme! I love getting to know different bloggers, but you don't want to start asking a bunch of questions - so Java is doing it for us :) Please join!!
Here are this weeks questions and answers:
1. What is your favorite kind of potato chip?
2. Do you make your bed everyday?
Hardly ever. Just sorta through the blanket over. I know - its horrible :)
Actually - I do make it before I get in, don't like uneven crumpled sheets, drives me nuts.
3. How often do you go to the hair salon?
I get 4-5 inches cut off every 9 months or so - once it's past my waist.
4. What do you dip your French fries in?
Mayo and Ketchup!! YUMMY!
5. Do you shop with coupons?
Sometimes. Coupons just aren't that abundant in Canada. Not quite sure why we hardly ever get any. Do use some that we do get if they are for something useful.
Time to link up and meet!!
This is a blog hop so if you want to put the linky on your post just click the "Get the Code" at the bottom of the linky.
Your link MUST include your Meet Me On Monday post or it will be deleted!
Remember if you don't have a blog or if you just want to post your answers in the comment section then that is fine too!

1. What is your favorite kind of potato chip?
Hardly ever. Just sorta through the blanket over. I know - its horrible :)
Actually - I do make it before I get in, don't like uneven crumpled sheets, drives me nuts.
3. How often do you go to the hair salon?
I get 4-5 inches cut off every 9 months or so - once it's past my waist.
4. What do you dip your French fries in?
Mayo and Ketchup!! YUMMY!
Sometimes. Coupons just aren't that abundant in Canada. Not quite sure why we hardly ever get any. Do use some that we do get if they are for something useful.
Time to link up and meet!!
This is a blog hop so if you want to put the linky on your post just click the "Get the Code" at the bottom of the linky.
Your link MUST include your Meet Me On Monday post or it will be deleted!
Remember if you don't have a blog or if you just want to post your answers in the comment section then that is fine too!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Rough Weekend and God's Post it Notes
If it seems that I've been missing again - I've been spending my time worrying and trying to help Logan get settled in a new place.
As you may remember - Logan moved to Hamilton Ontario this week. He left Wed. morning and arrived there Thurs night. Wed went really well, thurs - not so much. I had a text from him at 3:30 pm - he was lost. Thank goodness for Google Maps!! After texting back and forth for 3.5 hours - we got him to Hamilton and the John Deere dealership that he will be working at. There he met his new boss, who took him out for supper and to the apartment that we rented for him.Unfortunately there was no one at the apartment and it was locked. After some more mad texting and emailing the owner finally called Logan, after Logan was already at his boss's in-laws and staying there for the night. What a wonderful family!!
Friday morning Logan spent at the dealership, getting all his tools out of his truck. He went to the apartment after lunch only to find out it was horribly filthy. It's in the basement of a house that has been converted into a Vet Clinic. Logan found out later from someone at work, that the clinic let the dogs run down there even when people where living in it! I emailed the owner to complain and he finally met Logan at the apartment later that evening. Logan wasn't happy about the state of the place, the owner tried to plead innocent. The owner actually got really angry and physically assaulted Logan, then told Logan to remove all his belongings and locked him out.
Logan called home, quite upset! No doubt!! So for the last couple of nights he has been staying with the bosses family, while looking for another place to live. Luckily the owner of the apartment gave Logan a cheque for the first/last months rent that we had wired to him. I don't think he wanted to be charged with assaulting a minor. Smart man (I guess).
When your children leave home - you hope that everything will be roses, and they will have smooth sailing. Guess that doesn't always happen. We are so thankful for the family that has taken him in and is helping him through his first really rough days in a new province and town. Will definitely be sending them a gift! We spoke on the phone with Logan Sat. morning. He sounded good and quite happy to be starting work on Monday. With all the crap he went through the last few days - I'm glad his spirits are still up.

As you may remember - Logan moved to Hamilton Ontario this week. He left Wed. morning and arrived there Thurs night. Wed went really well, thurs - not so much. I had a text from him at 3:30 pm - he was lost. Thank goodness for Google Maps!! After texting back and forth for 3.5 hours - we got him to Hamilton and the John Deere dealership that he will be working at. There he met his new boss, who took him out for supper and to the apartment that we rented for him.Unfortunately there was no one at the apartment and it was locked. After some more mad texting and emailing the owner finally called Logan, after Logan was already at his boss's in-laws and staying there for the night. What a wonderful family!!
Friday morning Logan spent at the dealership, getting all his tools out of his truck. He went to the apartment after lunch only to find out it was horribly filthy. It's in the basement of a house that has been converted into a Vet Clinic. Logan found out later from someone at work, that the clinic let the dogs run down there even when people where living in it! I emailed the owner to complain and he finally met Logan at the apartment later that evening. Logan wasn't happy about the state of the place, the owner tried to plead innocent. The owner actually got really angry and physically assaulted Logan, then told Logan to remove all his belongings and locked him out.
Logan called home, quite upset! No doubt!! So for the last couple of nights he has been staying with the bosses family, while looking for another place to live. Luckily the owner of the apartment gave Logan a cheque for the first/last months rent that we had wired to him. I don't think he wanted to be charged with assaulting a minor. Smart man (I guess).
When your children leave home - you hope that everything will be roses, and they will have smooth sailing. Guess that doesn't always happen. We are so thankful for the family that has taken him in and is helping him through his first really rough days in a new province and town. Will definitely be sending them a gift! We spoke on the phone with Logan Sat. morning. He sounded good and quite happy to be starting work on Monday. With all the crap he went through the last few days - I'm glad his spirits are still up.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Vinyl Wall Decals for Every Room! I bought one :)
Do you have any vinyl wall decals in your house? I got brave and put one in my craft room, but now I'm hooked! As soon as I get done with painting my kitchen I want to put one on a wall in there. Beauty in Vinyl is definitely one of the shops I will be looking at. They have a wonderful selection and their prices are very reasonable and affordable. There are also many different colors to choose from. I'm seeing RED!
*Where are you from? Tell us a bit about yourself.Sabin Minnesota. My wife and I love to travel in our motor home and create beautiful vinyl sayings along the way.
*How did you decide on your shop name?
We were watching TV one night and heard a saying and that lead to Beauty in
*What or who inspires you?
Helping people decorate their homes. Having a saying on a wall or a plaque that puts a smile on their face or makes them break out with laughter. Or seeing or hearing a saying and turn it into a work of art.
What are 5 things you want people to think when they see your product?
Awesome, Gorgeous, Out Standing, Beautiful, Inspiring
*What’s your supply addiction; is there a specific color or type of supply you just can’t pass up?
Vinyl, Colors Black and Red
*What do you do when you’re not being an artist? What activities do you enjoy?
Traveling in our motor home, grandchildren, campfires, fishing, Friends.
*Which item in your shop did you enjoy making the most and why?
We made two saying for two different families. One was Life is short, eat dessert first and the other Twinkle, twinkle little star, do you know how loved you are. After they installed the saying, they sent us photos. What a joy to see your product in their home.
Ok - After I got the post all together and ready, I went back to their shop and found this wall decal:
I made the request that they change the word "Scrapbooking" to "Crafting" and they said YES!! WOOHOO!! Getting it in the Gloss Red color - this will look amazing in my craft room :) Brad thinks it's a good fit LOL
*How did you decide on your shop name?
We were watching TV one night and heard a saying and that lead to Beauty in
*What or who inspires you?
Helping people decorate their homes. Having a saying on a wall or a plaque that puts a smile on their face or makes them break out with laughter. Or seeing or hearing a saying and turn it into a work of art.
Awesome, Gorgeous, Out Standing, Beautiful, Inspiring
*What’s your supply addiction; is there a specific color or type of supply you just can’t pass up?
Vinyl, Colors Black and Red
*What do you do when you’re not being an artist? What activities do you enjoy?
Traveling in our motor home, grandchildren, campfires, fishing, Friends.
We made two saying for two different families. One was Life is short, eat dessert first and the other Twinkle, twinkle little star, do you know how loved you are. After they installed the saying, they sent us photos. What a joy to see your product in their home.
Ok - After I got the post all together and ready, I went back to their shop and found this wall decal:
I made the request that they change the word "Scrapbooking" to "Crafting" and they said YES!! WOOHOO!! Getting it in the Gloss Red color - this will look amazing in my craft room :) Brad thinks it's a good fit LOL
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
I'm Back - Logan's Gone
So Logan left at 5:45 this morning for his 2 day trip to Hamilton, Ontario to start a new job. Didn't know he'd be the first to go so far away and he's only 18!! I know - lots of kids do it :)
Obviously Logan would need a bed - so on the weekend Luke and Brad built this box (minus the springs) for Logan. All he has to do is put it together again once he's there and purchase a mattress.
We spent the last 3 days getting him ready. Loaded all his tools and tool boxes first. Then we knew how much other room we had - which wasn't much! He should have bought a bigger truck. Oh - well, we did manage to squish everything into the corners.

Can't forget to check the tires with the help of Heather (girlfriend).
The black plastic bags are his clothes. I bought some heavy duty clear plastic bags, we put his clothes in them and then used the vacuum to suck out all the air. This way the bag was only about 1/4-1/3 as big!! Don't know if they will stay that flat all the way to Hamilton, but it doesn't matter. Everything is under cover.
I would have taken a photo of him driving away, but all you would have seen were his tail lights shining in the dark. Here's hoping for a safe trip!
Obviously Logan would need a bed - so on the weekend Luke and Brad built this box (minus the springs) for Logan. All he has to do is put it together again once he's there and purchase a mattress.

Sunday, August 22, 2010
MIA & God's Post it Notes
I'm going to be MIA for the next few days. Logan is moving to Hamilton Ontario on Wed, leaving at about 6am. So for the next couple of days we need to help him get everything packed into his little truck :) Between his tools and everything else - it will be a tight squeeze. Will try to remember to take a picture of his truck once it's packed. Hopefully I will be back on Wed!
Have a great couple of days :)

Have a great couple of days :)
Friday, August 20, 2010
I have more Bags :)
A while back I entered a give away for a market bag made from Plarn (plastic yarn created from up-cycled grocery and shopping bags), and actually won!! WOOHOO.
The bag comes from The Lime Grasshopper (have to ask about the shop name sometime LOL). This shop has wonderful bags made from different colored plarn as well as scarves made with the traditional yarn. What a fun shop!
Also traded some craft books for this amazing bag! It's wonderfully big :)
This comes from Top View a wonderful shop with market bags and I noticed that she is now also offering Etsy banner sets!! If you love flowers and totes - this is the shop for you :) I LOVE my bag! Please check out this shop too.
If you have a few moments, please check out the give aways I'm hosting - the list is on the left sidebar.

Also traded some craft books for this amazing bag! It's wonderfully big :)

If you have a few moments, please check out the give aways I'm hosting - the list is on the left sidebar.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Paul's Buttons
I remember as a child, playing with buttons at Grandma's house. She had a one gallon jar full of buttons and it was so much fun pouring them onto the table and seeing how many were the same and which ones were really unique. Well - it's to bad she didn't have buttons this unique and beautiful :)
*Where are you from?
I live and melt glass into unique creations in beautiful Victoria BC Canada.
Tell us a bit about yourself.
Like a great many artists and crafts-persons I have been associated with art and creativity my whole life. I've been a graphic artist, photographer, sculptor, visual artist and now I mostly focus on glass, jewelry and photography.
*How did you decide on your shop name?
Firedance is a name that I've always enjoyed. It reminds me of the actual fire-walking ceremonies I've witnessed and more so the way glass can behave in the flame. Sometimes the dance gets a bit out of control and the glass ends up on the table, much like the dance of life.
*Why did you start your business?
I started melting glass into beads and later into other artworks to fill a need in my wife's supply line for her jewelry making. I knew I could or at least I thought I could make many of the beads she was paying big bucks for.
*What or who inspires you?
Life, love, nature, beauty and a strong desire to see what else I can be make by my hands and my mind is what inspires me. That, along with all the fantastic artists whom I've had the great privilege to know and will come to know.

*What are 5 things you want people to think when they see your product?
Primarily I would prefer if people did not think when they perceive my works. I encourage you to feel what moves inside yourself when you hold or see my glass or photos. Just feel the play of light, colour and textures and try to bypass the thinking brain for a moment.
*What's your supply addiction; is there a specific color or type of supply you just can't pass up?
Why would I want o pass up on anything that stimulates my creative juices? I'm addicted to all of it!
*What do you do when you are not being an artist?
I don't know how to separate from being an artist. Art permeates every activity I engage in.
What activities do you enjoy?
Walking in nature, taking photos, sharing meals with friends, listening to music, exercising and stretching, melting glass, polishing glass, making jewelry, and so much more.
*Which item in your shop did you enjoy making the most and why?
I enjoyed making the off-mandrel pendant and buttons the most. Working freely with glass and not having a mandrel to wrap a glob onto is very liberating and at time frustrating. It stretches me in every way when I make buttons and do off-mandrel glass work.
*Are there other places on the net we can find you?
I live and melt glass into unique creations in beautiful Victoria BC Canada.
Tell us a bit about yourself.
Like a great many artists and crafts-persons I have been associated with art and creativity my whole life. I've been a graphic artist, photographer, sculptor, visual artist and now I mostly focus on glass, jewelry and photography.
Firedance is a name that I've always enjoyed. It reminds me of the actual fire-walking ceremonies I've witnessed and more so the way glass can behave in the flame. Sometimes the dance gets a bit out of control and the glass ends up on the table, much like the dance of life.
*Why did you start your business?
I started melting glass into beads and later into other artworks to fill a need in my wife's supply line for her jewelry making. I knew I could or at least I thought I could make many of the beads she was paying big bucks for.
*What or who inspires you?
Life, love, nature, beauty and a strong desire to see what else I can be make by my hands and my mind is what inspires me. That, along with all the fantastic artists whom I've had the great privilege to know and will come to know.
*What are 5 things you want people to think when they see your product?
Primarily I would prefer if people did not think when they perceive my works. I encourage you to feel what moves inside yourself when you hold or see my glass or photos. Just feel the play of light, colour and textures and try to bypass the thinking brain for a moment.
*What's your supply addiction; is there a specific color or type of supply you just can't pass up?
Why would I want o pass up on anything that stimulates my creative juices? I'm addicted to all of it!
*What do you do when you are not being an artist?
I don't know how to separate from being an artist. Art permeates every activity I engage in.
Walking in nature, taking photos, sharing meals with friends, listening to music, exercising and stretching, melting glass, polishing glass, making jewelry, and so much more.
*Which item in your shop did you enjoy making the most and why?
I enjoyed making the off-mandrel pendant and buttons the most. Working freely with glass and not having a mandrel to wrap a glob onto is very liberating and at time frustrating. It stretches me in every way when I make buttons and do off-mandrel glass work.
*Are there other places on the net we can find you?
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
We always had a dog on the farm when I was young. Had cats too, and liked to play with kittens, but always loved the dogs more :) So for me, opening the dog boarding kennel in March was a great idea! It doesn't matter how bad a day I'm having, or how stressed I might be - go out to play with the dogs, and everything is better for a while. They are always happy to see me, never in a bad mood, and don't complain if I'm a few minutes late.
Rascal, our dog:
Here are some quotes I found about dogs:
"If you are a dog and your owner suggests that you wear a sweater. . . suggest that he wear a tail."
- Fran Lebowitz
"You can say any fool thing to a dog, and the dog will give you this look that says, `My God, you're RIGHT! I NEVER would've thought of that!'"- Dave Barry
"Old dogs, like old shoes, are comfortable. They might be a bit out of shape and a little worn around the edges, but they fit well."
- Bonnie Wilcox 'Old Dogs, Old Friends'
"Whoever said you can't buy happiness forgot little puppies."
- Gene Hill
I've finally started remembering to take photo's of the dogs that have been here. These are some of my favorites so far :)

Fenway (playing with the rope)

"The more people I meet the more I like my dog."
- Unknown
Do you have a dog?
Rascal, our dog:

"If you are a dog and your owner suggests that you wear a sweater. . . suggest that he wear a tail."
- Fran Lebowitz
"You can say any fool thing to a dog, and the dog will give you this look that says, `My God, you're RIGHT! I NEVER would've thought of that!'"- Dave Barry
"Old dogs, like old shoes, are comfortable. They might be a bit out of shape and a little worn around the edges, but they fit well."
- Bonnie Wilcox 'Old Dogs, Old Friends'
"Whoever said you can't buy happiness forgot little puppies."
- Gene Hill
I've finally started remembering to take photo's of the dogs that have been here. These are some of my favorites so far :)

Fenway (playing with the rope)


- Unknown
Do you have a dog?
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Meet Me on Monday
Java over at Never Growing Old started this great "meet me monday" meme! I love getting to know different bloggers, but you don't want to start asking a bunch of questions - so Java is doing it for us :) Please join!!
Here are this weeks questions and answers:
1. What is your favorite dessert?
Anything Lemon!! I make this one a few times a year. Though I leave the whipped cream white. The recipe can be found HERE. Maybe I'll make it this week :) Yum!
2. What do you wear to bed?
Well - you get the picture :)
3. Do you get regular manicures/pedicures?
Never had one of either. Wouldn't pay to get them when I live on a farm.
4. Did you play any sports in high school?
Badminton and baseball.
5. Do you have an iPod?
No - right now I don't even have a cell phone :)
Time to link up and meet!!
This is a blog hop so if you want to put the linky on your post just click the "Get the Code" at the bottom of the linky.
Your link MUST include your Meet Me On Monday post or it will be deleted!
Remember if you don't have a blog or if you just want to post your answers in the comment section then that is fine too!

Here are this weeks questions and answers:
1. What is your favorite dessert?
Anything Lemon!! I make this one a few times a year. Though I leave the whipped cream white. The recipe can be found HERE. Maybe I'll make it this week :) Yum!
Well - you get the picture :)
Never had one of either. Wouldn't pay to get them when I live on a farm.
4. Did you play any sports in high school?
Badminton and baseball.
5. Do you have an iPod?
No - right now I don't even have a cell phone :)
Time to link up and meet!!
This is a blog hop so if you want to put the linky on your post just click the "Get the Code" at the bottom of the linky.
Your link MUST include your Meet Me On Monday post or it will be deleted!
Remember if you don't have a blog or if you just want to post your answers in the comment section then that is fine too!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
God's Post-it Notes Part 3
This week and weekend have been a bit hectic. I'm hardly keeping up! Between canning and trying to find a place for son 2 to live in the next province, helping him to decide on a new job offer, walking dogs 4 times a day etc. - I haven't managed to keep up with commenting back on everyone's blogs! Will try harder this week :) This first post-it note - must be for me.

Thursday, August 12, 2010
Amazing Children's Clothing
When I go browsing through new shops on Etsy, every once in a while I run across an amazing children's wear shop. Almost makes me wish my boys were small again (well, maybe not LOL). Mayd4U has the cutest clothes for boys and girls!
*Where are you from?
Hi, I am Rhonda May from Fresno, California. I have lived in California all of my life. I do love to travel, see all the interesting places around the U.S. I have been happily married for 31 years and I have two sons and one daughter, and one grandson. And happy to have added to our family a new daughter in law. I have enjoyed sewing and making crafts forever, least that what it seems.
*How did you decide on your shop name?
I named my website and etsy shop name after my last name. My A “May” zing Creations and “May”d4U. I really tried to be creative with the names.
Why did you start your business?
I started the business out of pure request. My grandson was born and I wanted to start making things for him. My daughters’ friends started asking me to make items for them and then the orders just came pouring in. I started making the children’s clothes from requests and I was having a blast creating, designing and making each one unique.
*What or who inspires you?
My grandson inspires me. I love seeing him wear the creations that I have made on him. He tells everyone, that my Grandma made this for me.
What are 5 things you want people to think when they see your product?
1. Cute 2. Comfortable 3. Amayzing 4. Creative 5. Unique
*What’s your supply addiction; is there a specific color or type of supply you just can’t pass up?
I love FABRIC. I could spend hours in the Fabric store and see a fabric and think of something I can make with it,instead of looking for a fabric to make something.
*What do you do when you’re not being an artist?
I am usually playing with my Grandson.
What activities do you enjoy?
Sewing, Reading and Photography
*Which item in your shop did you enjoy making the most and why?
I enjoyed making the Black and White dress.
*Are there other places on the net we can find you?
Facebook and at www.
Hi, I am Rhonda May from Fresno, California. I have lived in California all of my life. I do love to travel, see all the interesting places around the U.S. I have been happily married for 31 years and I have two sons and one daughter, and one grandson. And happy to have added to our family a new daughter in law. I have enjoyed sewing and making crafts forever, least that what it seems.
*How did you decide on your shop name?
I named my website and etsy shop name after my last name. My A “May” zing Creations and “May”d4U. I really tried to be creative with the names.
Why did you start your business?
I started the business out of pure request. My grandson was born and I wanted to start making things for him. My daughters’ friends started asking me to make items for them and then the orders just came pouring in. I started making the children’s clothes from requests and I was having a blast creating, designing and making each one unique.
*What or who inspires you?
My grandson inspires me. I love seeing him wear the creations that I have made on him. He tells everyone, that my Grandma made this for me.
What are 5 things you want people to think when they see your product?
1. Cute 2. Comfortable 3. Amayzing 4. Creative 5. Unique
*What’s your supply addiction; is there a specific color or type of supply you just can’t pass up?
*What do you do when you’re not being an artist?
I am usually playing with my Grandson.
What activities do you enjoy?
Sewing, Reading and Photography
*Which item in your shop did you enjoy making the most and why?
I enjoyed making the Black and White dress.
*Are there other places on the net we can find you?
Facebook and at www.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
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