So when our oldest son, Luke decided to take "Intro to Woods" as an elective course in Grade 9, I was thrilled. We had no idea that they could pick a project to make and take home, what a bonus!! Luke had to design and build a minature of his project before starting the "life size" version. He built this wonderful stand that year, out of oak. It holds my toaster and cordless phone.

In Grade 10 we had to "force" or should I say "strongly suggest" that Luke make us a blanket chest out of oak. It took 1.5 semesters - he broke his arm 1/2 way through the first semester (for the 2nd time) and couldn't finish it. But that's another long story for a different post. Again, he did a wonderful job even if it wasn't his favorite project. It's in our bedroom. Might make a shallow pillow for on top yet.

The last part of the semester in Grade 11, Luke made himself a smaller chest, out of oak again. The rounded lid was a lot of work, but again he did an awesome job.

There was no wood course for Luke to take in Grade 12, but he had fun tutoring in a Grade 9 "Intro to Woods" class each semester. I'm sure Luke will be totally embarrased that his mother has posted (boasted) about him - but isn't that a mother's prerogative?