*Where are you from? Tell us a bit about yourself.
I am a mom to 5 beautiful children (3 boys, 2 girls) who range in age from 2-16, and we currently reside in Mesa, AZ. In addition to being a full time mom, wife, and owner of 3 Etsy shops (HatsForHumanity & 2 others I run with my husband), I work part time at my children’s elementary school as a crossing guard and substitute playground aide. Oh, and did I forget to mention that I am PTO president and a cub scout den leader? Needless to say, life gets a little crazy around here!
*How did you decide on your shop name? Why did you start your business?
I grew up with service being a big part of my life, and was looking for a way to continue that and show my kids that being busy isn’t an excuse to not help others. I was already crocheting hats and really wanted to donate some to a local humanitarian aide center near me and felt that if I could sell some hats, the proceeds from that would be able to fund my donations. I wanted the shop name to reflect what I am trying to accomplish, and Hats For Humanity was born. I am spending my “slow days” to get caught up on the number of hats that need to be completed and donated. With 40 hats sold so far, my customers are helping to make a difference in the lives of 40 people!
*What are 5 things you want people to think when they see your product?
In 5 words: quality, affordable, cute, fun, and warm
*What’s your supply addiction; is there a specific color or type of supply you just can’t pass up?
I just love yarn, all kinds, and most colors! I always walk down the yarn aisle and feel the yarns, and the softer the yarn, the more I want to have it!
*What do you do when you’re not being an artist? What activities do you enjoy?
Most of my “free” time is spent just being with my family. I love to camp, search for new ideas to put in my shop, and read.
*Which item in your shop did you enjoy making the most and why?
Hmmmm...I think I would have to go with the Elmo inspired red monster hat because it was made for my 2 year old who LOVES Elmo! After that, I would say the Sweetheart bonnet. It was so different from the other items in the shop, and it was fun to see it all come together.
*If you could give a piece of advice to a new shop - what would it be?
Don’t give up! It takes time and a lot of promotion to get your name out there among all the other shops. Have something unique to you, something they can’t get anywhere else. And once you start to sell, great customer service is essential to creating loyal customers and getting customer referrals. Your customers are your best form of advertising, so treat them well!
*Are there other places on the net we can find you?
I am on the net on
Facebook: www.facebook.com/craftedbydesign
Twitter: www.twitter.com/craftedbydesign
Blog: www.craftedbydesign.blogspot.com
They are all under the name of my very first shop, CraftedByDesign.

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