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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Featuring Beautiful Unique Jewelry

*Where are you from? Tell us a bit about yourself.
I grew up in Rogers Park in Chicago, moved to Albany Park after getting married and I have lived in the western suburbs for about 20 years now.
Four of my favorite things are cats, reading, beading, and eating chocolate.

*How did you decide on your shop name?
In one job, I was always called “Linda B” because there were 3 Lindas in the same department. By accident, I signed up with what would be my username, thinking I could change my shop name. The numbers 1+4+2=7 = Creation. So, it really is Linda B’s Creations.

*Why did you start your business?
I started making beaded jewelry and shopped at local gem shows for gemstones and sterling silver findings. I purchased way too much for me to wear, so I chose to start my Etsy shop.

*What are 5 things you want people to think when they see your product?
1. I want to wear that bold design by Linda B.
2. That piece of jewelry is so unique that I’d like to own it.
3. Her designs are so creative and she offers a variety of styles and prices.
4. That piece of jewelry matches that outfit I want to wear for a wedding, graduation, birthday, etc.
5. I wonder if Linda can alter the beads to match the color blue, red, yellow, etc. or design it for a gift.

*What is your supply addiction; is there a specific color or type of supply you just can't pass up?
My weakness is Jasper gemstones, red, greenish (ocean jasper), brown jasper. Jasper gives you strength and protection.

*What do you do when you are not being an artist? What activities do you enjoy?
I love playing fetch with my black cat Fritzy with a bottlecap. He can play for hours and he plays with both me and my husband, alternating between us. Snuggling with our other cats Buddy and Sammy for weekend naptimes is another favorite thing to do. Give me a good book, a cat and a blanket and I’m thrilled.

*Which item in your shop did you enjoy making the most and why?
One of my newest items is my Facebook Tutorial or Guide, which is 13 pages (and includes screenshots) on how to set up a FaceBook personal and business page.

*If you could give a piece of advice to a new shop - what would it be?
Join an Etsy team and learn from experienced sellers how to photograph your items and learn other tools to promote. Read the Etsy blog and other articles thoroughly.

*Are there other places on the net we can find you?


  1. It's always nice to learn what fellow Etsians love about their own work and their advice on succeeding on Etsy. Thanks for another delightful interview.

  2. Thanks so much for featuring me. You picked some of my favorites in my shop to show.

  3. Another nice feature. Great pieces in that shop

  4. Linda is such a sweet lady and has such a lovely shop... ::waves:: Hi Linda! I love reading these interviews and getting to know a bit more about the people on the frenzy team... what an awesome group!

  5. Lovely interview. Always nice to learn about one another.

  6. Fabulous interview! love the pearls!

  7. Great interview...beautiful jewelry!

  8. Great interview, and very pretty jewelry!

  9. Great interview! So great to learn more about Linda!

  10. Great feature and lovely jewelry :)


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