How did you decide on your shop name?
I originally had a shop on Etsy called "blue pebble" which was purely jewellery, but I wanted something more fun and memorable when I wanted to venture into other accessories. My sister and I tossed around a lot of ideas, and pandacub was born. I've loved pandas since I was very young and this was a good tribute to these endangered animals and my cultural heritage (I'm Chinese). I'm glad I changed names too because now there's a healthcare consulting company here in Canada called Blue Pebble!
When did you start crafting?
I've been playing with crafts since as far back as I can remember. My mom introduced me to all sorts of fun things as a child, including Shrinky-Dinks, homemade playdoh, papier-mache, knitting, etc. I've been stringing beads since I was 4! I started focusing on accessories about two years ago.
Are there other crafts you would like to try?
I've love to learn to sew so I can make and hem my own clothes. And I'm fascinated by resin jewellery and polymer clay creatures.
What or who inspires you?
Everything inspires me. Bright colours, funky textures, travelling. My sister is a great inspiration to me because she's so creative and great to bounce ideas off of.
Do you have a day job?
Unfortunately, yes. I'm off to the "corporate world" at 7am and then not back home until about 6pm. But I daydream about not having a day job all the time!
I'm in love with my line of Star Sign Rings right now. The vintage intaglio cabs are just stunning and since I only have 2 of each, they're very rare and unique. I think they look amazing paired with the golden-toned filigree rings. This was one collection I was really excited to put together and offer in my shop.