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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Features - Want one?

I love to look at other peoples crafts - doesn't matter what it is - I love all crafts!! (just ask hubby). In the beginning of blogging I had thought that I would feature one type of craft each month or maybe every two weeks and started with Quilting, then did one on Swapping , which was really about soap, than one on Crocheting . Also did one on Cooking/Baking Help on my Recipe Blog. But I have found that it is to hard to pick a few crafters to add to the list at the end of the post, when there are so many awesome crafters out there.

So I've decided to feature 2 crafters each week on my blog. I figure Monday's a good day - gives my the weekend to get the features just right, so that will be the first day. The second feature of the week will be on Wed. The features will be about all crafts, because I love them all.

So to get started I will feature the first two crafters, next week, that reply to this post by sending me an email with answers to the following questions:

#1. How did you decide on your shop name?

#2. When did you start crafting?

#3. What or who inspires you?

#4. Do you have a day job?

#5. What is the item in your shop you enjoyed making the most and why?

#6. Which 2 pictures from your shop would you like me to use in the feature?

If you are having a Give Away I will also mention that. If there is anything else you think people should know about you - please include that also. Plus at the end of the feature I will post a pic of MY favorite item in your shop!!

So - if anyone is interested in a feature PLEASE email me!! (my email link is on the right). I look forward to looking at amazing crafts and learning about amazing crafters!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great! I look forward to your finds in future posts.


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